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telcocafeWitam, poszukujac animacji tekstu w googlach natrafilem na bardzo fajna gre :P nie chodzi mi ze fajna ze wzgledu na "Pokemony" ale na wykonanie. I tu sie pojawia problem, bo nie moge rozgryzc gdzie sa elementy tej animacji ( jak normalnie chodzi). Zamieszczam Skrypt:<head> <script language="Javascript"> <!-- Begin now=new Date; x=now.getTime() %32768; function Random(min,max) { x=(1103515245*x+12345) % 32768; return Math.floor(x*(max-min+1)/32768+min); } var num = new Array; num[0] = -1; num[1] = 1; var ctrsmit = new Array; ctrsmit[0] = '<|x_x|>'; ctrsmit[1] = '<|!_!|>'; var i = 0, will2live = 0; function livewill(j) { i += j; if (i == 0) tLiphe(); if (i < 6) stat(mood[3]); if (oldstats == mood[3] && i >= 6) stat(mood[0]); if (alive == true) { barzies(i); } } var bars=''; function barzies(num) { bars=''; for (var i=0;i!=num;i++) bars += 'Ť'; document.ctrform.will.value = bars; } var mood = new Array; mood[0] = 'Happy'; mood[1] = 'Mad'; mood[2] = 'Ticked-Off'; mood[3] = 'Suicidal'; mood[4] = 'Elated'; var Stat = new Array; Stat[0] = 'Alive'; Stat[1] = 'Pokeball cleaned'; Stat[2] = 'Pokeball not messy'; Stat[3] = 'In pain'; Stat[4] = 'Dead'; Stat[5] = 'Infected!'; Stat[6] = 'Disinfected!'; Stat[7] = 'Not infected'; Stat[8] = 'Drooling'; var alive = false, aniID, statID, moodID, liveID, crapID, sickID, illID, normguy = '<(^_^)>'; function gLiphe() { normguy = '<(^_^)>'; stat('Catching...'); livewill(15); statID = setTimeout("stat(Stat[0])",3500); setTimeout("alive = true",3500); Animate(false,'(-o-)'); aniID = setTimeout("Animate(false,'<(o_o)>')",2500); aniID = setTimeout("Animate(false,'(O_o)>')",3500); aniID = setTimeout("Animate(false,'<(o_o)>')",4300); aniID = setTimeout("Animate(false,'<(o_O)')",4500); aniID = setTimeout("Animate(false,'<(o_o)>')",5300); aniID = setTimeout("Animate(false,'(O_o)>')",5500); aniID = setTimeout("Animate(false,normguy)",6500);livewill(15); setTimeout("independence()",6501) } function ID(dep) { clearTimeout(aniID); clearTimeout(statID); clearTimeout(liveID); clearTimeout(crapID); if (dep == true) clearTimeout(independ); } var f, t = ' '; function Animate(auto,ctrex) { if (auto == false) f = ctrex; if (auto == true) t = spacey.substring(0,Pos()); document.ctrform.ctr.value = t + ctrex + poopie(); } var indID, independ; function independence() { independ = setTimeout("Animate(true,f)",400); independ = setTimeout("Animate(true,f)",1200); independ = setTimeout("Animate(true,f)",2000); independ = setTimeout("Animate(true,f)",2800); independ = setTimeout("Animate(true,f)",3600); indID = setTimeout("independence()",4000); } var spacey = ' ', k, l = 10; function Pos() { k = Random(0,1) if (k == 0) { if (t.length < 22) return l++; else if (t.length >= 22) Pos() } if (k == 1) { if (t.length > 0) return l--; else if (t.length == 0) return l++; } } var poop = false; function poopie() { if (poop == true) return " <<poo>> "; else return ''; } function eatpoop() { if (poop == false) { document.ctrform.phood.selectedIndex = 0; stat(Stat[2]); } if (poop == true) { ID(true); eatpoopie(); } } function eatpoopie() { poop = false; eat(false,'<<poo>>'); aniID = setTimeout("Animate(false,'<(Żo>)>')",750); if (sick == false) setTimeout("befect()",4000); } var pasto,healthy,eaty='<(ŻoŻ)>',eati='<(Ż-Ż)>',eaty2; function eat(health,pasti) { healthy = health; pasto = pasti; if (sick == true) { eaty = '<(ˇoˇ)>'; eaty2 = '<(ˇo)>'; eati = '<(ˇ-ˇ)>'; } else { eaty = '<(ŻoŻ)>'; eaty2 = '<(Żo)>'; eati = '<(Ż-Ż)>'; } Animate(false,eati +' '+ pasto); aniID = setTimeout("Animate(false,eaty +' '+ pasto)",150); aniID = setTimeout("Animate(false,eaty +' '+ pasto)",300); aniID = setTimeout("Animate(false,eaty + pasto)",450); aniID = setTimeout("Animate(false,eaty2+ pasto)",600); setTimeout("phood(healthy)",650); } function pheed(antipasto) { if (antipasto == 0) eat(true,'>o<'); else if (antipasto == 1) eat(true,'Ä‘'); else if (antipasto == 2) eatpoop(); } function takeone() { ID(true); Animate(false,'<(Ż=Ż)>'); aniID = setTimeout("Animate(false,'<(>_<)>')",500); aniID = setTimeout("Animate(false,'<(Ż=Ż)>')",1300); aniID = setTimeout("Animate(false,'<(>_<)>')",2600); aniID = setTimeout("Animate(false,normguy)",4800); setTimeout("infekt()",4799); setTimeout("poop = true",4799); full = 0; } function cleancage() { if (poop == false) stat(Stat[2]); if (poop == true) { poop = false; Animate(false,normguy); stat(Stat[1]); clearTimeout(sickID); ickcount = 0; } } function tLiphe() { normguy = '<(Ă—_Ă—)>'; poop = false; clearTimeout(sickID); clearTimeout(illID); clearTimeout(indID); ID(true); sick = false; full = 0; l = 1; i = 0; aniID = setTimeout("Animate(false,normguy)",1); statID = setTimeout("stat(Stat[4])",1); barzies(0); bruised = 0; poked = false; alive = false; } var oldstats, ick = ''; function stat(stats) { ick = ''; oldstats = stats; if (sick == true) ick = '[sick] '; document.ctrform.ctrstatus.value = ick + oldstats; } var j; function smite() { if (sick == false) normguy = '<(<¬>_<¬>)>'; ID(true); statID = setTimeout("stat(Stat[3])",10); aniID = setTimeout("Animate(false,ctrsmit[Random(0,1)])",10); liveID = setTimeout("livewill(num[0])",20); aniID = setTimeout("Animate(false,normguy)",1300); statID = setTimeout("stat(mood[1])",1300); } var full = 0; function phood(salubrious) { if (sick == false) normguy = '<(^_^)>'; ID(true); full++; if (salubrious == true) livewill(num[1]); aniID = setTimeout("Animate(false,eaty)",200); aniID = setTimeout("Animate(false,eati)",700); aniID = setTimeout("Animate(false,eaty)",1200); aniID = setTimeout("Animate(false,eati)",1700); aniID = setTimeout("Animate(false,eaty)",2200); aniID = setTimeout("Animate(false,eati)",2700); aniID = setTimeout("Animate(false,normguy)",3200); if (full == 3) setTimeout("takeone()",6000); if (full >= 3) full = 0; } var sick = false, ickcount = 0; function infekt() { ickcount++; if (ickcount != 2) sickID = setTimeout("infekt()",30000); if (ickcount == 2) befect(); } function befect() { sick = true; setTimeout("stat(Stat[5])",500); ickcount = 0; besick(); normguy = '<(ˇ_ˇ)>'; } function besick() { livewill(num[0]); Animate(false,normguy); if (sick == true) illID = setTimeout("besick()",2000); } function dnfekt() { if (sick == false) stat(Stat[7]); if (sick == true) { if (poop == false) clearTimeout(sickID); normguy = '<(^_^)>'; eat(false,'¤'); sick = false; setTimeout("stat(Stat[6])",4000); ickcount = 0; if (poop == true) infekt(); } } function scratchyscratchy() { normguy = '<(^_^)>'; ID(true); statID = setTimeout("stat(Stat[8] +'(scratch scratch)')",710); aniID = setTimeout("Animate(false,'¦ p')",200); aniID = setTimeout("Animate(false,'¦ P¨')",800); aniID = setTimeout("Animate(false,'¦ p ¨')",1400); aniID = setTimeout("Animate(false,'¦ P¨¨')",2000); aniID = setTimeout("Animate(false,'¦ p ¨¨')",2600); aniID = setTimeout("Animate(false,'¦ P¨¨¨')",3400); aniID = setTimeout("Animate(false,'¦ p ¨¨¨')",4200); aniID = setTimeout("Animate(false,'¦ P ¨¨¨¨')",5000); aniID = setTimeout("Animate(false,': P¨')",5600); aniID = setTimeout("Animate(false,normguy)",6600); statID = setTimeout("stat(mood[0])",6600); liveID = setTimeout("livewill(num[1])",6600); } var bruised = 0, poked = false; function poke() { if (bruised >= 7) { normguy='o_-'; aniID = setTimeout("Animate(false,'(O_-)')",1); liveID = setTimeout("livewill(num[0])",1); if (poked == false) statID = setTimeout("stat('You poked his eye out!!')",10); aniID = setTimeout("Animate(false,normguy)",300); poked = true; } if (bruised < 7) { bruised++; normguy = '<(^_^)>' aniID = setTimeout("Animate(false,' <(^o^)>')",1); liveID = setTimeout("livewill(num[1])",1); statID = setTimeout("stat('PikaPi...')",10); aniID = setTimeout("Animate(false,normguy)",300); } } // End --> </script> </head> <!-- STEP TWO: Copy this code into the BODY of your HTML document --> <body> <center> <form name="ctrform"> <table border="4" cellspacing="5" cellpadding="5" bgcolor="red"> <tr><td><font color="blue"><br> <table> <tr> <th>Life</th> <th>Status</th> </tr> <tr> <td><div align="center"><center><p><input type="text" size="20" name="will"></td> <td align="center"><input type="text" size="25" name="ctrstatus"></td> </tr> <tr align="center"> <th>Pikachu</th> <th>Options</th> </tr> <tr align="center"> <td><input type="text" name="ctr" size="30" onfocus="if (alive == true) tLiphe()"></td> <td><div align="center"><center><p><input type="button" value="Catch a Pikachu" onclick="if (alive == false) gLiphe()"></td> </tr> </table> <div align="center"><center> <table> <tr> <td><input type="button" value="Smack" onclick="if (alive == true) smite()"></td></tr><tr> <td><input type="button" value="Clean PokĂ©ball" onclick="if (alive == true) cleancage()"></td></tr><tr> <td><input type="button" value="Give Medicine" onclick="if (alive == true) dnfekt()"></td> </tr> <tr> <td><input type="button" value="Give Food" onclick="if (alive == true) pheed(document.ctrform.phood.selectedIndex)"> <select name="phood" size="1"> <option>Rare Candy</option> <option>Apple</option> </select></td> </tr> <tr> <td><input type="button" value="Scratch" onclick="if (alive == true) scratchyscratchy()"></td> </tr> <tr> <td><input type="button" value="Poke Pikachu" onclick="if (alive == true) poke()"><br></td> </tr> </table> </center> </div> </td> </tr> </table> </form> </center> <p><center> <font face="arial, helvetica" size="-2">Free Javascripts provided<br> by <a href="http://javascriptsource.com">The Javascript Source</a></font> <a href="http://www.skryptoteka.pl">www.skryptoteka.pl</a> </center><p> // quote -> html, bo wstawialo emoty :] - m Użytkownik migajek edytował ten post 08 kwiecień 2006, 23:44 Witam, poszukujac animacji tekstu w googlach natrafilem na bardzo fajna gre :P nie chodzi mi ze fajna ze wzgledu na "Pokemony" ale na wykonanie. I tu sie pojawia problem, bo nie moge rozgryzc gdzie sa elementy tej animacji ( jak normalnie chodzi). Zamieszczam Skrypt: ![]() Tyle to wiem, ale nie wiem jak zrobic zeby sie wyswietlalo w: <input type="text"> Tyle to wiem, ale nie wiem jak zrobic zeby sie wyswietlalo w: ![]() |
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